The Class of 2026 is selling coffee and specialty treats through February 12th! Juniors, please check Rooms, Google Classroom, and/or your snail-mail for more information on how to set-up your own Personalized Online Store.
2 days ago, Pembroke CSD
Class of 2026 Coffee Fundraiser
Here is some important information regarding UPK registration for the 25-26 School Year.
14 days ago, Pembroke CSD
UPK Flyer
Please be advised that due to the school closures on Tuesday January 21st and Wednesday January 22nd, the Regents Exams originally scheduled for those dates have been rescheduled to Thursday January 23rd and Friday January 24th. Staff will assist students in arriving at their testing locations and ensuring appropriate administration of the exams. All exams originally scheduled for the 23rd and 24th will still be administered on those dates. Please reach out to Brandon Ricci with any questions or concerns.
16 days ago, Ryan MacKellar
Due to the winter storm that continues to impact our region, the Pembroke Central School District will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
17 days ago, Ryan MacKellar
The 6th Grade and the Pembroke Intermediate School Musical proudly present Howie Hypnotize! Join us on February 7 at 7:00 p.m. for an amazing, family-friendly event! Volunteers will be needed for this great event—maybe you will be one! You can purchase your tickets here: For more information about Howie, check out his website here:
about 1 month ago, Pembroke CSD
Family Night
The fitness center will be closed for repairs Monday 12/9 and Tuesday 12/10. This includes AM and PM fitness center hours. Thank you for your understanding.
about 2 months ago, John Kling
The 6th Grade Legacy Project is done! This year, the 6th grade class purchased signage for the cafeteria. Students voted on character traits they feel are important to be successful in and outside of the classroom. The 6th grade would like to thank TMP Signs, Mr. Steinberg, Mr. Kabel, Mr. Brade, and Mr. Strollo for all of their help with completing this year's project!
3 months ago, Pembroke CSD
Legacy Project
Legacy Project
The Intermediate School Book Fair is almost here! The Book Fair will be open on November 13 from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Come out as a family and shop early! Students will be shopping on November 14 and 15! Create an ewallet at:
3 months ago, Pembroke CSD
Book Fair
Red Ribbon Week 2024!
4 months ago, Tim Dosch
Red Ribbon Week 2024
An opportunity from Community Action of Orleans & Genesee:
4 months ago, Tim Dosch
Harvest Holiday Baskets
Please come support Pembroke's Unified Sports program on Friday, October 11th! Pre-sale tickets can be purchased from any Unified athlete or Miss Kaminski at the Jr./Sr. High school. Dinners will also be available for purchase at the game from 5:00-8:00pm!
4 months ago, Tim Dosch
Chicken BBQ
School Year Kick-Off Fundraiser!
5 months ago, Tim Dosch
Winter Wonderland
Congratulations to Emily Yager on making Conference All-State Orchestra. Last year over six thousand 10th and 11th grade musicians auditioned across the state for this honor and Emily was one of the ones selected! This December she will travel to Rochester for three days of rehearsals and then will perform at Eastman's Kodak Hall.
5 months ago, Tim Dosch
Conf. All State Orch
There is still time to register for Community Education Swim Classes! The deadline for registration has been postponed until Thursday September 19th! Please find more information on our website at: Registrations can be sent to: Pembroke Central School ATTN: Joan Worth, Community Education P.O. Box 190 E. Pembroke, NY 14056
5 months ago, Tim Dosch
Come support PHS Cheer!
5 months ago, Tim Dosch
Bottle Drive
From the Pembroke School Tax Collector: Pembroke Central School 2024-2025 tax bills have been mailed and collection has started. If you have not received your tax bill in the mail, you may look it up online at or call (585) 599-4525 ext 1965 and leave a detailed message. The mailing address for the payment is: Pembroke Central School Tax Collector PO Box 7129 Buffalo, NY 14240
5 months ago, Tim Dosch
The PHS Cheerleaders are running a Blanket Sale Fundraiser! There are two different designs and materials to choose from - plush or sherpa. You may order the blankets online and they ship right to your house within a week. Here is the link to order: Orders are due by October 28th. Thank you for supporting PHS Cheer!
5 months ago, Tim Dosch
Blanket Sale
The 6th Grade will be holding a Mum Sale during September! Mums are only $8.00 and will benefit the 6th Grade Legacy Project. Different color options (white, red, purple, yellow, and bronze) are available. Order forms are due to Mr. Brown at the Intermediate School ( by September 30. Once your order is received, you will receive a ticket(s) and will be able to pick it up at Delre's Greenhouse in Batavia.. The 6th grade thank you for your support!
5 months ago, Tim Dosch
Mum Sale
Mum Form
Dear Intermediate School Families, This Thursday, August 29th, the Intermediate School will be hosting a "Supply Drop-off and Meet & Greet" with your child's classroom teacher from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. This event is for all classrooms in grades 3-6. This is a great opportunity for your child to briefly see their classroom before the official start of school on Wednesday, September 4th. Also, please be aware that our Front Main Entrance is under construction and will not be accessible until late October. So, for the Supply Drop-off event, please use the Front South (left) doors and Front North (right) doors to enter our building. When school starts on September 4th, the "Temporary Main Entrance" will be the Front "South" Doors. Please view the attachment with more details and photos to explain the 'Temporary Main Entrance.' If you have any questions, please give us a call at 585-499-4531. Sincerely, Mr. Foster I.S. Principal
5 months ago, Norman Foster
Temporary Main Entrance
What a difference a few days can make! A heartfelt THANK YOU to all the incredible community members, volunteer firefighters, parents, teachers, administrators, and even the students who have shown up over the past four days to lend a tool, a hand, or a meal. A huge shout out to the @PlaybyDesignInc crew who have been a true pleasure to work beside and have kept our progress on track! The power of a strong community coming together with a shared goal is truly awe-inspiring. But we're not done yet! With just over a week to go, we still need your help. Tomorrow, work will begin at 7:30 am and continue until 5:00 pm. There’s no need to sign up in advance—just show up and sign in! If you're not available during the week, perhaps you have some time on Saturday to volunteer, whether it's for an hour or longer. No special skills are necessary (though if you have them, the Play By Design crew will make sure they’re put to the best use). There are jobs for every skill level and every pair of helping hands. If you can’t make it tomorrow, don’t worry—there are day shifts next week and evening hours on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 pm until 8:00 pm. We encourage you to be part of this historic project. Come and feel the Dragon Pride as we build something truly special for our community. This playground is going to be something "perfectly Pembroke."
6 months ago, Ryan MacKellar